Jim O’Mahony

Last Monday we said farewell to one of our greatest ever characters, Jim O’Mahony, born and reared in Dromakee, Kilflynn, formerly of London, England, and lately living out his retirement in Abbeydorney village. Steeped in the history, folklore and fun of his beloved North Kerry, Jim had legions of friends at home and abroad, We all assembled for one last occasion to remember the cheery presence, the joy and laughter that followed his footsteps, the tall tales, merry banter and yarns of kind neighbours, dastardly deeds and warm welcomes. Jim’s door never closed, he kept a roaring fire of hospitality, and many was the time we took advantage of his good nature at all kinds of ungodly hours!!!!! He bore the trials and tribulations of life with an even temperament, and remained devoted and loyal to family and friends until the day of his departure. In his younger days he wielded the caman in many grades and diverse locations, and jousted merrily with many of the local legends of the ash. As an actor he starred on the stage with the greats of Kilflynn and Abbeydorney. Jim always worked hard for his living, and gave an honest day’s labour for an honest day’s wages. One of his greatest legacies was doing the deal with Crotta Hurling Club to help provide their excellent playing field and facilities in Dromakee.
We’ll miss your smiling face, Jim and may the gentle sod of Glenballyma rest lightly on your peaceful remains.
To your sisters Mary and Hannah, your brother, Patrick, and your many relations at home and away, we extend our deepest sypathy and condolence.

Ar Dheis Dé Go Raibh A Anam Dílis