Tribute to Denis Lynch

Kilflynn lost one of its greatest characters with the recent passing of Denis Lynch , Clounafineela. Accountant, sportsman, golfer, raconteur, he travelled through life’s challenges with a smile on his face and a kind word for one and all. Along the way through his shortened journey he rode with humour and wit above the setbacks and tribulations that inevitably came his way.
The sporting life was a joyful part of his daily existence.
He served Crotta Hurling Club with distinction as player, officer, and for many years, lotto organiser. He loved the horse and the hound in equal measure, and had great success in both codes in his sporting career. His exploits within the betting ring are the stuff of legend, but conducted at all times in a professional and fair-minded manner.
Together with a number of other famous Crotta and Kilflynn sporting icons he travelled on his last visit across to Aintree for the 2006 Grand National meeting. By all accounts Liverpool had not seen the like of it for many a day !!

In social circles and local watering-holes, Denis Lynch loved nothing more than to be right in the middle of the action. He jousted with glee among the wits of the parish, giving and receiving in equal measure with laughter and humanity. A long time teetotaler, Denis sat amidst the throng, cup in hand and mischief in his eye.
His final illness was borne with the quiet dignity and peaceful acceptance of a happy man facing his eternal reward in Heaven.