Weekly News 22nd April 2015

The Four numbers drawn out of the drum by the Independent observer: Eileen Brennan, Rea, Kilflynn on Monday night 20th April in Parker’s Pub, Kilflynn were 15,18,20 and 22. There was No winner of €8,200 Jackpot. following won €35 in the lucky dip draw: Micheal McElligott, Leam, Kilflynn, Trish Dillon, Leith West, Tralee and Anne Boyd, Lixnaw. The next draw will take place on Monday 27thApril in Herbert’s Bar, with a 8,300 Jackpot.
Tickets are available at 2 Euro each or 3 for 5 euro from Club tickets sellers or you can also play on the Crotta lotto onwww.locallotto.ie now.

The final of the Russell Cup (Kerry Schools Under 15 Football competition) was played at Dr. Crokes Pitch, Killarney on Friday 17th April. Result: Tralee CBS 1-10 Pobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne 0-11. Congratulations and well done to Crotta players Darragh O’Donoghue and Eamon Rohan and their Tralee CBS team mates.